
EDTC 6343 Mainpage

Page history last edited by Michael James Rigal 10 years, 2 months ago

PPT Practice Test A.pptx



Week 15

Flipped Classroom TED-Ed Lesson

Week 14

Rigal - case study C martinez.docx

Week 13

PowToon Presentation Competency 002 B


Quiz (Zondle) Study Guide:


Competency 002 B


Competency 002 D-E


Study Guide Competency 002 B, C-E

Competency 002 Study Guide-Reference.pdf


Week 11

Excel Skills App C.xlsx

PPT Practice_Test C.pptx 

Week 9

Case Study Assignment B Gonzalez.docx

Week 8

Grant_Application_2014.docx (GRANT)

Week 7

Excel Skills App B.xlsx

Week 6

PPT Practice Test B.pptx  

Week 5

Grant Application Summary.docx  

Week 4

PPT Practice Test A.pptx  

Excel Skills App A.xlsx

Week 3

Case Study 1 - Mr. Haddad.docx

Week 2

TExMaT Case Study


Grant Idea Summary.docx

Grant_News_Release_2014.docx (Grant Information) 


Brief Grant Excerpt

We can better serve our students by helping them earn industry recognized certifications like that of Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) in Photoshop by allowing our students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest technology, as well as to enhance their creativity by using graphic tablets connected with programs such as Photoshop. Such a certification will either inspire students to continue their education in college and/or to become productive members of society.

Week 1




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